Hibiscus and it´s wonderful attributes


Hibiscus sabdariffa, rose of Jamaica or also known as Abyssinian rose or flower of Jamaica, is a herbaceous plant that can reach 3 to 5 meters high, in some regions the flowers are red and in others green. It is a typical plant of dry subtropical climates native of tropical African regions (countries such as Senegal, Egypt or Sudan). Hibiscus grows in China (largest producer), Mexico, Central America or Colombia, Uganda, Indonesia, Malaysia, among others.

Hibiscus contains in its natural composition two colorful pigments: hibiscin and gosipitin, which are used as a natural base for syrups and colorful liquors. It can be used for different medicinal and therapeutic purposes as they increase the general organic well-being of our bodies. Some benefits of this flower is that it has large amounts of vitamins (A, C, B1 and E), and minerals such as iron, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive properties. It is excellent for combating alcoholic hangover. Prevents and fights respiratory infections, anemia and fatigue. By its nature the flower is a source of fiber, promoting digestive and cardiovascular health, reducing cholesterol and blood sugar.

Our brew master wanted to make a beverage combining the amazonian taste of guayusa with the exotic aroma and flavor of hibiscus. This is a lighter body beverage that provides a bright, thirst quenching carbonated drink.

Available in 300 mL glass bottle.

Nutricional facts per 300 mL

  • Energy 460 kJ (Calories 110 Cal)

  • Total carbohydrates 27 g

  • Sugars 27 g

  • Sodium 90 mg

  • Caffeine 40.59 mg

Wá Soda